Agency Name | The College of Botanical Healing Arts |
Categories | Education,Environment & Nature,Medical & Wellness,Women |
Contact Name | Elizabeth Jones |
Agency Email | |
Agency Address | 4170 Gross Rd. Ext. Ste. 5, Capitola CA 95010 |
Agency Phone | 831-462-1807 |
Web Address | |
Office Hours | Mon-Fri 9-5 |
Distance from Campus | 4 miles |
Nearest Bus Lines | |
Mission Statement | The College of Botanical Healing Arts (COBHA) is a non-profit institution dedicated to providing education, healing services, and research in the art and science of essential oils, plants, and herbal healing. |
Volunteer Duties |
We have multiple internship programs, including an office program, garden program, and grant writing program. OFFICE PROGRAM: 1. Updating and upkeep of mailing lists 2. General office organization (this includes clerical duties, doing dishes, filling water jug, watering plants, organizing materials, etc.) 3. Help with library and oil inventory 4. Locating leads for Wellness Fair and Student Recruitment 5. Advertising on-line (Craigslist, Facebook, etc) 6. Helping COBHA staff with requests and projects 7. Mass mailing assistance (3 times a year) 8. Working with rest of staff to reach quota of bulletin advertising about town GARDEN PROGRAM: 1. Organization of plan to clean and rework garden. 2. Choosing acceptable species for planting, and finding and propagating these plants in the garden. 3. Identifying all plants and creating plant-identifying signs with Latin names. 4. Help to install new irrigation system. 5. Gopher and invasive weed control. 6. Helping lead local high school students in garden maintenance. 7. Overall visual aesthetic (creating pathways, bench upkeep,etc.). 8. General garden maintenance and upkeep (watering, mowing, pruning, weeding, etc). GRANT WRITING PROGRAM: A grant writer is needed to help find funding for our non-profit school. Compensation is available at time of grant reward. You can download contracts and get more information on the "Volunteers" tab of our website. |
Notes | Updated 6/29/18 |